Test your instrument flight rules (IFR) proficiency and sharpen your piloting skills with this exclusive Skies feature! Examine the following approach plate and take your best shot at the accompanying questions:
Hamilton, Ontario (CYHM)
Instrument IQ test
Click the question to see the answer
1. From a communications perspective, does this airport operate on a limited hours or 24-7 basis?
2. Is this approach approved for a GPS overlay, and if so, what information on the approach plate conveys this?
The fact that “GNSS” is indicated in brackets at the end of the approach identifier indicates that it is approved as a GPS overlay.
3. If shooting this approach to straight in landing minima for RWY 12, which MDA do you fly to?
NDB straight in minima of 1280 ASL.
4. As per the above question, what would be your target FAF crossing altitude when conducting the GPS overlay approach when operating in ISA conditions?
Not below 2200 ASL.
5. How much obstacle clearance is provided at the 100 NM Safe Altitude; and the 25 NM Sector Altitudes in this region of Canada?
1000 feet of obstacle clearance for both, as CYHM is located in non-mountainous regions.
6. Is an RVR based approach ban a possibility on this approach?
Yes, this runway is equipped with an RVR transmissometer system. For example, note the “RVR 26” in the advisory visibility section in the minima box.
7. You are shooting the localizer approach to RWY 12 (G/P is U/S) with plans to circle to land on RWY 06. Your IAS on the approach is 145 knots. What is your MDA and advisory visibility, and how much obstacle clearance is provided for a circling MDA?
At 145 KIAS you are a Category D aircraft, making the MDA 1380 with an advisory visibility of 2SM. Circling MDAs provide for a minimum of 300 feet of obstacle clearance.