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Toronto Buttonville Municipal Airport closure deferred

Estimated reading time 1 minute, 18 seconds.

Million Air Toronto is a well-established fixed-base operator (FBO) of long standing, located at the Toronto Buttonville Municipal Airport (CYKZ). Torontair Ltd. operates the airport, the Million Air FBO and other business units at the site.

Derek Sifton, president of Million Air Toronto and Torontair Ltd., recently announced to tenants, clients and staff, an extension to the closing date of the Toronto Buttonville Municipal Airport.

In his announcement Sifton stated: “After extensive discussion and review, an agreement has been reached with the Buttonville Airport land ownership partnership, to continue airport operations here at CYKZ until Oct. 31, 2018 and possibly beyond this date if circumstances with the airport redevelopment so dictate.”

Speaking from the Million Air perspective, Sifton said: “An announcement such as this allows us to carry on providing service and support to our customers in an uninterrupted manner and proceed with proper business planning. We continue to do our best to keep pricing fair and equitable and offer the service and support that helps you make the most of your aviation activities. Everyone on our team looks forward to working with customers and tenants over the coming months. We thank everyone for their continued patronage.”

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