Test your instrument flight rules (IFR) proficiency and sharpen your piloting skills with this exclusive Skies feature! Examine the following approach plate and take your best shot at the accompanying questions:
Instrument IQ test
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1)The 100 nautical mile (NM) safe altitude provides for how much obstacle clearance in this section of Canada?
1,500 feet as we are located in DME 2-3-4.
2)You are positioned 20 NM northwest of the QX NDB on an inbound track of 150 degrees at 7,000 feet. You are cleared for the full procedure ILS approach. To be in a better vertical position for the approach, you may descend to ______.
Sector altitude of 2,700 ASL.
3)You are positioned on the 17 DME ARC for the straight-in LOC/DME approach, for an anticipated straight-in landing on RWY 13. There are three steps in descent until arriving at MDA. What are the three steps?
2600 on the arc; 1600 upon crossing XETAR (IF); MDA of 960.
4)You are established on the localizer at 2600 on the above approach; to do the CDFA Approach, descent should be initiated at _____.
7.5 DME from IQX.
5)How would the missed approach point (MAP) be identified and would timing be an option?
1 DME from IQX, timing not applicable, must be DME equipped.
6)If the required visual reference is not established at the MAP, what should be your course of action?
Fly the published missed approach procedure and hold as published at QX if further clearance not received. Offset entry…
John Montgomery is the founder and president of Professional Flight Centre in Delta, B.C., which was established in 1986. A 12,000-hour ATPL pilot and Multi IFR instructor, John also specializes in ground school and seminar instruction. John can be reached at john@proifr.com.