Test your instrument flight rules (IFR) proficiency and sharpen your piloting skills with this exclusive Skies feature! Examine the following approach plate and take your best shot at the accompanying questions:
Instrument IQ test
Click the question to see the answer
1)What does the approach identifier LOC D infer?
This approach has been designed as a circling procedure only due to high terrain and the resulting high landing minimums.
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Yes, note the “No PT 5200” designator on the plan view of the approach plate.
3)You are established inbound on the localizer between 15 DME and 8 DME on this approach. To what altitude may you descend?
By referring to the plan view, between the IF at KEDVU at 15 DME and IKMEM at 8 DME you are legal to 5200 ASL.
4)How is the missed approach point identified on this approach?
1.1 DME from DME source XPP 109.9.
5)Your aircraft is not equipped with DME. Are you able to conduct this approach procedure?
Negative; you will have to fly the LOC C approach where the missed approach point is based upon timing.
Spoiler title
Remain within 10 NM of the YKA NDB, which is confirmed by staying within 15 DME from DME source 109.9.
John Montgomery is the founder and president of Professional Flight Centre in Delta, B.C., which was established in 1986. A 12,000-hour ATPL pilot and Multi IFR instructor, John also specializes in ground school and seminar instruction. John can be reached at john@proifr.com.